Friday, June 29, 2012

Beat the Heat with Lemony Goodness!

Monarch butterfly on
butterfly bush.
The thermometer hit 102 today!!!!!!  The humidity makes the heat more intense, so I just go outside early--just after dawn--and come in by 9 or 10.  By that time I'm craving something cold and wet to drink.

It's not until the the hits triple-digits that I remember my lemonade recipe.  It's easy to make and will keep for several days in the refrigerator--not that we let it last that long.  I usually make in by the gallon or half-gallon and enjoy it when I come in from the garden--which is happening earlier and earlier.  

It's so refreshing to cool down with an icy glass of genuine lemonade.  In addition to being tasty, lemons are reputed to have a number of health benefits.  Enjoy!


5 cups water
2 2/3 cups sugar
2 2/3 cups lemon juice (fresh or bottled)

Bring water to a boil and add sugar, stirring until completely dissolved.  Cool to room temperature and add lemon juice.  Add enough water to double (about 7 cups) or until the desired strength (I like mine strong).  Refrigerate until icy cold.  Turn down the A/C, crank up the ceiling fan, settle in with a good book, and enjoy!

Sugar-Free Lemonade

Muddle fresh-picked blackberries in your lemonade!
5 cups water
2 2/3 cups Splenda
2 2/3 cups lemon juice (fresh or bottled)

Mix water and Splenda together and add lemon juice.  (Splenda will dissolve at room temperature.)  Add enough water to double (about 7 cups) or until the desired strength.  Refrigerate until icy cold.  Add tea or crushed fresh fruit for a treat!

So that's my secret weapon for relief from the summer heat!

What's cooking in your kitchen?


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